“The aim of education in ancient India was not just the acquisition of knowledge, but a preparation for life in this world.”

From the Golden era of the Indian education system - the ‘Gurukuls’ to the digital age of learning, the goal of learning in an individual’s life remains the same.

Unique Experiences Designed For Your Child

Interactive Classs

We make learning fun. Our classes are filled with fun impactful learning activities as we focus more on learning by doing.

Best Teachers

Our small-group learning environment facilitated by passionate Lattu Kids Teachers, who are themselves like buddies more than teachers.

Assessments & Revision

Assessments at regular intervals to calibrate your child's learning plan, focus on learning gaps.

Lattu Kids App

Free access to Lattu Kids Educational App to practice unlimited grammar and maths questions along with fun learning videos.

Build Future Ready Skills

we focus on 21st century skills which enables the kids to learn and understand important concepts of computers and technology.

Learn With Peers

Our unique social learning approach empowers every child to collaborate and get inspired from the group's work and ideas.

The Golden era was marked with the highest standards of multidisciplinary teaching and research and attracted scholars and students from across the globe.

The Digital era once again aspires to democratize education in India with a multidisciplinary approach to learning and thrust on research and innovation. We are aligned to the The NEP 2020 philosophy that aspires to leverage digital technologies and alternative pedagogies to achieve the goal of equity, excellence, and expansion of holistic education that promotes employability.

At Lattukids , we take a learner centric approach and prepare your child for the 21st century world. The problem of “ What “ has been solved by Google, yet schools are still stuck in old methods of teaching facts.

Depending only on school driven learning approach is not going to lead to holistic development of your child. Lattukids goes to the core of learning experiences of children, using the best of immersive content, interactivity, gaming, peer learning, social rewards , personal attention and inquiry based approach , we bring a dramatic impact to your child’s learning journey.

Our aim is to spark the flame of inquiry in young minds and make them question things , be able to solve problems on their own and with groups, our learning approach builds and prepares not only for foundation skills of english , maths, science but also for multiple complex roles in the 21st century world.

Your child is a combination of their thoughts, feelings, habits, attitudes and knowledge of the world around them.

Lattu kids influences your child via access and exposure to the world’s best learning content, unique style of learning, meaningful exchange of knowledge with our teacher buddy and with social peer group.

Our approach will change the way your children think, solve problems, engage, communicate, share their thoughts and knowledge and imbibe these learnings for life. We promise to bring a true transformation to your children.